class ToposPlayground::Command::Clean

Defined in:


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class ToposPlayground::Command

config : Config config, config=(config : Config) config=, run run, run_process(command, chdir = ".", env : Process::Env = nil, shell : Bool = true)
run_process(command, chdir = ".", background : Bool = false, env : Process::Env = nil)

Constructor methods inherited from class ToposPlayground::Command

new(config : Config) new

Class methods inherited from class ToposPlayground::Command

config : Config config, config=(config : Config) config=, levenshtein_options levenshtein_options, log_to_file?(config) log_to_file?, options(parser, config) options, run_process(command, chdir = ".", background : Bool = false, env : Process::Env = nil)
run_process(command, chdir = ".", env : Process::Env = nil, shell : Bool = true)

Class Method Detail

def self.levenshtein_options #

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def self.log_to_file?(config) #

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def self.options(parser, config) #

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Instance Method Detail

def completion_banner #

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def remove_working_directory #

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def run #
Description copied from class ToposPlayground::Command

All subclasses must implement #run, which is responsible for carrying out the logic of the command.

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def shutdown_erc20_messagine_protocol_infra #

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def shutdown_redis #

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def verify_execution_path #

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def verify_working_directory #

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