Topos Playground CI GitHub release GitHub commits since latest release (by SemVer)


Topos Playground is a CLI (command-line interface) to run a local Topos devnet 🚀

This version in an unofficial version inspired by the official version of topos-playground. This version should have feature-parity with the official version, and may have additional features. This version is also distributed as a standalone binary instead of a Node.js application.

Getting Started

The Topos Playground is a CLI that allows you to easily run and manage a local Topos devnet. The components that it runs on your behalf depend on Docker, Docker Compose, and NodeJS to locally run multiple subnets, multiple TCE nodes, and a dApp with supporting infrastructure, capable of cross-subnet messaging. For official documentation about Topos and about the official Playground CLI, take a look at the Topos Developer Portal.

This document, along with API documentation of this implementation of the Topos Playground can also be accessed at


Install / Run topos-playground

Precompiled, statically linked binaries are available for Linux and for MacOS from the Releases tab in this github repository. Download the appropriate binary for your platform, and uncompress it. You may want to rename it to just topos-playground, as all precompiled binaries reflect the architecture and platform that they were compiled for in their names, and you may want to move it into your $PATH:

gzip -d topos-playground-linux-x86_64.gz # or `unzip`
mv topos-playground-linux-x86_64 topos-playground`

Install via Git

If you prefer to install the playground via Git, you can clone the repository and build it manually. This will require that you have Crystal installed.

$ git clone
$ cd
$ shards build --release

The compiled topos-playground will be placed into bin/topos-playground.

Run the CLI

$ topos-playground --help

Topos Playground supports two subcommands, start and clean.

$ topos-playground start

This will check that the required prerequisites are met, and will then setup and start all of the containers for a complete local Topos network. It will report progress to the console as well as logging to a file.

$ topos-playground clean

To clean up any still-running docker containers or filesystem artifacts from a previous invocation of the topos-playground, use the clean command.

The playground respects XDG Base Directory Specifications, so by default, it will store data used while running in $HOME/.local/share/topos-playground and it will store logs in $HOME/.state/topos-playground/logs.

To override these default locations, you can set your HOME, XDG_DATA_HOME and XDG_STATE_HOME environment variables, or specify them in a .env file.

$ HOME=/tmp topos-playground start

By default, topos-playground sends output to both your console and to a log file when it is running. To disable this, you can use the --quiet flag to prevent output from going to the console, or the --no-log flag to prevent output from going to the log file.

$ topos-playground clean --quiet

For more in-depth discussion about the playground components, and what the topos-playground is doing, take a look at the Topos Playground components portion of the Topos Developer Portal.


To contribute to the development of this version of the playground, fork the repository.

Do your work within a branch on your fork. When it is ready, create a Pull Request that clearly explains the reasoning behind your code changes, what they do, and anything that we should be aware of when testing your code.


  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


For Topos community help or discussion, you can join the Topos Discord server:


The container that provides the Redis service was unable to start. This is likely because you are already running a Redis instance on your system. Try shutting it down.

On Linux:

$ sudo systemctl stop redis-server


$ sudo service redis-server stop

On MacOS:

brew services stop redis

If you manually installed and started Redis, you will need to manually stop it.

$ redis-cli shutdown

This error indicates that the redis-stack-server container is already running. This is likely because you have already ran the playground, but a topos-playground clean was never ran. To fix this, run topos-playground clean and then try again.

This may also sometimes occur if you have a local redis instance running. Refer to the instructions above for how to shut down a local redis instance.

One cause of this error is a previous failure when starting the playground that wasn't cleaned up by running topos-playground clean. To fix this, run topos-playground clean and then try again.

If you see this error, you likely do not have Docker Compose installed. You need version 2 or greater. Refer to the Docker Compose installation instructions for your platform.

The likely cause of this error is that you are running a VPN of some sort.

The quick fix for this is to shut down your VPN, and then try to run the playground again.

If this error occurs, it likely means that your dockerd daemon is not running. Please consult the documentation for your OS and Docker installation to determine how to correctly restart it for your platform.

If this error occurs, you are running Linux, and you have recently done an OS upgrade, try rebooting your system. If the problem persists, first ensure that you can load the 'xt_nat' kernel module:

$ sudo modprobe xt_nat

If that command fails, then this is likely the problem. You can try to load the module manually:

$ sudo insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/net/netfilter/xt_nat.ko

And then try again.

If that command succeeds, but the problem persists, check your iptables version:

$ iptables --version

It should show something like this:

iptables v1.8.7 (nf_tables)

If the nf_tables is absent, and you have already tried to reboot, investigate your /usr/sbin/iptables symlink. It should point to /usr/sbin/xtables-nft-multi. It should, either via a direct link, or perhaps through a chain of symlinks, point to /usr/sbin/xtables-nft-multi.
